I don't know about anyone else, but for me the term "rested" is nothing more than a fleeting fancy, like "vacation time" it would be great to be able to have it, but let's be honest, it's not gonna happen, not in our household. So I cope the best way I can. My son's school is a 20 minute drive away and I make it a point to always be on time or earlier (another WFMW for another time). School starts at 7:45am so I try to leave at 7am or on a really late day 7:15am. In order to get out of the house (and back in one piece see, VitaminWater) I really need to sleep in until the last possible second!
I set my cel phone alarm clock to go off 15 min before 5:45. It goes off at 5:30am and I snooze it every 5 minutes until 6am when I sit bolt upright and get out of bed, no slowly making my way out from under the covers (like my dear husband aka DH who is always late). I get up and march straight to my boys' room so make sure they are up and dressed (typically they are not) and then down to get out my eldest son's lunch and put breakfast on the table. Back upstairs and in the shower by 7:13 (or 7:15 if I am running late) and out again by 7:20. Ten minutes to get dressed and ready and then my second alarm goes off, this one set for 15 minutes before 6:45am. The boys get brushed and it's time for them to "Make sure they are ready to walk out the door". By 6:45am (the alarm vibrating in my pocket to remind me of the time in 5 min intervals) I wake up my toddler and get her changed and dressed, some days she even lets me do her hair. Give her her morning bottle of milk and we're out the door by 7am at the latest!
Most people don't understand my need to schedule every event down to 30 minutes extra time, but I find that I will get distracted and lose track of time if I am not constantly reminded. The other day my son brought me my phone having cleared the snooze and I had to work very hard not to be late that morning ;)
Want to see more WFMW, check out RocksInMyDryer
1 comment:
Hey thanks for sharing what works for you!
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