My timer is my lifeline! With all of the not quite settled, moving related chaos, recent school battles, a 4 year old who is really pushing all the boundaries he can get his hands on, and raising this baby blog through the infancy stages, it is very easy to get sidetracked or get in a slump, so much to do so little time and all that. That's where my timer comes in. I find when I am drowning in all the unfinished work that I will just have a 15 minute day. I set my timer and I work on one thing for 15 minutes, when it goes off I stop what I am doing and switch to something else and so on. I am usually pleasantly surprised when I see that my sink full of dishes that I cringe at the thought of going near takes me less than 15 minutes most days. I am a very competitive person and I enjoy seeing if I can beat the timer and even when it goes off I see how much more I can get done during the 30 second beeping session.
But credit where credit is due. I am a going on 9 year fluttering flybaby. I have tried the shining of my sink and I had it down for quite some time, until our house became filled with people of all different schedules and it's virtually impossible to keep that sink clear when people are eating while you (or in this case me) are sleeping. Still I get up every morning, put my indoor shoes on and with the help of my timer I can still usually keep the kitchen under control. There have been times when my kids have claimed my timer and it vanished for a day or two and those were dark days! Without my timer I am completely lost.
This was my first ever WFMW posting, want to see more from other people? Check out RocksinMyDryer
1 comment:
I do believe I've been with Flylady about that long. I honestly can't remember - but I will tell you, I have the flylady timer right here next to my computer and I use it. I love it. I love to do dishes, so when she suggested the shiney sink - I was in...with both feet! lol
Nice to meet you Flybaby!
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