2 bags of Purina One Dog Food 3.99
3 Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste $2.99
1 Dial Dish Soap .88
2 Adidas Deodorant 4.99
2 Skin Effects Continuous Spray Sun Screen 12.99
2 Colgate 360 Toothbrush 2.99
Coupons used:
2 $4/1 Purina Dog Food
2 $1/1 Aquafresh toothpaste printables
1 $1/1 Aquafresh toothpaste from 4/20 newspaper insert
2 Free Adidas Deodorant from All You magazine
2 $1/1 Colgate 360 Toothbrush printable coupon
ECB bucks used $29.44
Total OOP -$7.15
ECB Earned in the end $5
I am also waiting for the $5 ECB earned for the 2 Kiss/Broadway nails products
After using a 3.99 ECB there was actually a 1 cent overage (which of course I just zeroed out)
update: after emailing about the missing ECB I recieved the following response from them.
"I see the wrong product was purchased. The promotion was for all Kiss Broadway Artificial nails. You purchased the Kiss Glue. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your understanding in this matter."
I see that many of you purchased the Kiss glue...was I the only one who ran into this issue?
During my shopping trips I discovered that some CVS stores are happier to dispense with the ECB than others. There are two CVS stores within 5 minutes of my house so I decided to try out the second one this week. What a pleasant surprise! They had the scanner so many of you have mentioned and low and behold with my first scan I got a $3/$10 coupon. I bought 2 kiss nail glues and am currently waiting for the ECB I am owed. Unfortunately since I can't find the ad everyone is referring to that mentions the kiss/Broadway nails earns $5 ECB I will have to wait until Monday to find out if I will get them or not. I also bought two 3.99 bags of Purina dog food and used two $4 off coupons making them both free! Not a bad trip to the store.
This time, however I went to my normal CVS store and ran into no end of trouble. First they refused to zero out the Adidas for which I had used the All You free coupons. They kept trying to charge me the sales tax on nothing. I spoke to the manager and he informed me that all the other stores (including the previously mentioned CVS) were doing something wrong and that you add the coupons AFTER the tax is calculated. I am not sure if I would have gotten the items fully zeroed out if I had added another item for the store to tax, but in the end I forked over the 39 cents...twice and got my $4.99 ECB times 2. Each time one of the 4.99 coupons printed out the cashier gave me an exasperated look, that I would fight so hard to pay nothing and get 5 bucks back! It took 3 transactions, 2 Adidas purchased separately and the $20 skin effects purchase. I got my 2x 4.99 and 5 ECB bucks and I doubt I will go back again. I guess I should have realized that it would be a hard sell when the manager informed me that that store does not DO the card scanning anywhere else in the store besides the register, oh well live and learn I guess.
I seem to be learning lots about the pitfalls of the couponing approach, at least I know where not to go. For another coupon misadventure check this out.
1 comment:
Unfortunately, all of the stores I shop at charge sales tax on the before coupon prices. It really made it confusing to me when I first started using coupons. Now I just figure the full tax into my equation and sometimes I am pleasantly surprised that my total is lower. Go figure!
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