Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Saving my sanity at the dinner table.

As I have mentioned before I have been following some cooking sites in the hopes that I can add some easy things to the dinner menu that my kids will actually eat!

Recently I came upon a few other recipe and cooking sites that have led me to even more. I started out building up a stockpile, but the plan has grown to building up stores as well. After checking out a guest post on $5 Dinners by Once a Month Mom I was led to another site FSME or "Food Storage Made Easy".

I sit here with my freezers and fridge bursting at the seams and yet I still struggle to figure out what to make for dinner that night. I'm still sitting on two frozen turkeys and boy do they take up space! I looked at OAMC but what would be the point with no room to freeze anything? Thanks to the Once a Month Mom, I now have list of 10 tips for organizing your freezer. Then I can go to the FSME site and follow the baby steps training to organizing my food storage and then back to OAMM and I can start setting up dinner to be ready whenever I need it.

I'm sure that having a food storage is designed to be saved and not eaten until the SHTF (**** hits the fan) but being able to organize it allows for me to be more organized with the food I do plan to eat. The thing is, the world doesn't have to come to an end for a food storage to be useful. With everyone out there feeling the pinch financially or having lost their jobs entirely, not having to buy groceries for awhile, could be a big help. On the other hand making dinners to freeze for later is sure to make for an easier time when it comes to dinner as well.

All that's left is for me to get the kids to eat it ;)

If cooking a month all at once is too big a first step, check out this Double Duty Dinners post over at The New Frugal Mom. Most often I can't get my kids to eat what most other creative dinners people come up with, but I think I may be able to have success with this one.

Wish me luck!

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