Monday, March 30, 2009

Saving my sanity at the dinner table (fully made dinners)

Well I'm coming off at least I hope I am an entire month of a flu-like-plague, or is it a plague-like-flu. As a result, even though I am well stocked with boxed meals and frozen meats, after this last week, which included a relapse of this bug, not to mention spring break, I don't have really anything complete to cook for dinner.

I'm working on making some more organized menus, but in the meantime, this is what I "made" tonight for dinner.

Betty Crocker - Roasted Garlic Potatoes
Green giant Steamers - Cheesy Rice and Broccoli
Fast Fixins - Popcorn Chicken

Believe it or not, it was a more complete dinner than usual, and it was a big hit! Maybe I'll be able to put more real meals together more often, in time, but for now, it's nice to know that my stockpile allows for an entire meal that feeds all 5 of us.

My boys are back in school this week, so I hope to replenish the things that allow me to turn my meat into a meal. Stay tuned, I'm sure I'll have another Culinary Catastrophe soon enough!


MT said...

I'm so sorry you were sick! We had one cold or flu bug here at our house from beginning of February onward...all of them hitting me as well.

No fun when Mom is sick.

Glad you're better!

Sarina said...

Thanks for the kind wishes Marianne :)