Enter the Wii (and now Wii fit). Only in the comfort of our living room can my 2 year old go bowling as well as my carpal tunnel suffering husband. For my racing obsessed 5 year old nothing beats Mario Kart...he doesn't even care if he loses the race he just enjoys falling off a cliff! And last but not least for my 9 year old who has to win at all costs even if it involves cheating (thus not too many board games played here) there is Mario Party 8...basically a board game you can't cheat on with interactive games every turn.
Now we have the Fit. Again, easy enough my 2 year old can do it...and does! Granted a 2'8 22 lb 2 year old comes up as Obese (I guess the system isn't designed to take into account "baby fat") so don't take it seriously for your kids. My balanced challenged 5 year old comes up with a Wii Fit Age of 33! But that alone is entertaining for the kids, nothing like a spot light coming on a # filling the screen and an animation accompanying it. In the case of my kids, it's the Mii looking like a frail old man/woman leaning over and holding their back.
But enough about that. The activities range from a variety of options under categories of Yoga, Strength, Aerobic and Balance games. I got this beause I didn't want to go to a Yoga or Pilates class, but now that I have it there are so many other things to do. Tight rope between two high rise buildings (Balance), hula hoop challenges (Aerobic and one of my personal favorites), a dance dance revolution style step aerobics (not as much fun as the real thing but still challenging nonetheless) and lets not forget hitting a soccer ball with your head, but watch out for the shoes! What could be more fun than having your family of Miis kick soccer balls, shoes or panda bear heads at you!
I haven't been at it for very long but already I feel my balance improving, I had no idea my posture was so bad. My kids are keeping at it and I even manged to get my husband to create a profile! It brings our family together and our kids beg to exercise! I have no doubt that with continued use the benefits of the Fit will far outweigh the cost.
But don't take my word for it. My local paper just did an article on a woman and her Fit right here. Be patient with the link at the end of the article . I don't think the site was prepared for the traffic they would get as a result of the articles popularity.
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